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On This Day — Why Now?
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On This Day

In 1689 the English Bill of Rights became the law of the land. A couple of people noted that yesterday was proclaimed to be ‘Bill of Rights Day’ in the US. Pretty meaningless and extremely hypocritical with the passage of the latest National Defense Authorization Act that allows the military to throw people into indefinite detention on the word of the President.

This century the Congress has passed multiple ex post facto laws and bills of attainder to punish political enemies, and the government has ignored habeas corpus and due process in the War on Terror™. There have been multiple American citizens ‘deported’ in the War on the Undocumented™, and not the hint of an apology to be found anywhere.

In 1775 Benjamin Franklin wrote: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” He is still right.

This is also the date in 1773 when some citizens of Boston decided to protest a corporate tax break given to the East India Company by dumping the Company’s tea in the harbor – the Boston Tea Party. The “Founding Fathers” had a rather low opinion of corporations. They were right.