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Slowing Down — Why Now?
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Slowing Down

The death toll from the flash flooding caused by a tropical storm in the Philippines appears to be over a thousand. The heavy rains hit in the early morning hours, and most of the victims were asleep when the waters hit.

Australia is looking at the possibility of seeing its first tropical storm later in the week. After last year they could use a really quiet season.

Looking at all of the pictures of grieving North Koreans, I have to wonder if they notice how rotund the Kim family is in a nation constantly on the verge of starvation.

Ron Paul is getting his 15 minutes as the leading candidate for the Republican Presidential race as Newt ‘Efting’ Grinch fades under a flood of negative ads. Paul has kept his team in place from his last run for President, and has a formidable organization in Iowa, larger than any other candidate’s. It wouldn’t be odd if he won it, as it is a caucus system which requires an organization on the ground.

I am spending a lot of time trying to learn how to use a new cell phone and new camera. If the phone doesn’t stop trying to helpful it will have a very short life span. The first annoyance was when I discovered that none of the included ‘ringtones’ sound like a phone ringing.

Only one more visit to a store to finish all of my Christmas related shopping. It is little junk for a stocking, and that is usually fun, but this year the usual suspects aren’t carrying much.


1 Badtux { 12.20.11 at 12:48 am }

Hmm, have you ever noticed that Newt the Gingrinch looks sorta like a member of the Kim family? If Tiny Kim is sent tiptoeing thru the tulips, maybe they could get the Gingrinch as their new Dear Leader… I mean, he has the right mentality for that job, what with wanting to kneecap judges that rule against him and such, right?

BTW, if you’re familiar with Chinese culture (which Korean culture is heavily influenced by), there is a clear reason why the Kims are so rotund: It is because the gods have blessed them. How else could you get so fat on starvation rations? 😈

But seriously, if you look at depictions of Chinese gods they’re all fat. The Kims basically have set themselves up as gods in the bizarre personality cult that is North Korea. So of *course* they have to be fat. I doubt there’s many people in North Korea who would be offended by the fact that the Kims are fat, because the ways of gods… (shrug).

2 Steve Bates { 12.20.11 at 10:08 am }

“It wouldn’t be odd if he won it, …”

It wouldn’t be odd. But HE would, because he already is.

Cell phone ringtones are an astonishing bother. You wouldn’t think they would be, but everything from selecting them for yourself to hearing other people’s rings just drove me crazy for a while. I finally ended up choosing a song called Get Happy, which came with the phone, isn’t too annoying, isn’t often duplicated, but still sometimes haunts my dreams. (Stella’s landline phone emits a sound much like the two measures from the Twilight Zone theme that people always hum.)

Re: software (or in this case firmware) that constantly pops up helpful reminders… you know I disapprove of the death penalty, but I might make an exception for the authors of such software. Doubling my aggravation is the fact that the numbness in my fingertips really slows me down in working phones even at the best of times.

I have read that middle-class Americans don’t disapprove of the wealth disparity because they have a (surely vain) hope that one day they will be rich themselves. Maybe something similar is at work with starving N. Koreans and the Kim family’s weight problems.

3 Bryan { 12.20.11 at 3:46 pm }

I guess having a ‘fat head’ alters your brain in dictatorial ways. After listening to his latest round of right-wing mythistory it is logical that Newt wrote alternate history novels – he can’t remember or doesn’t now which universe he lives in.

Yes, now that you mention it, all of the East Asian god figures I have seen depict the deities as rotund.

Oh, yes, Steve, Ron and his boy lost the thread of reality some time ago, and aren’t apt to find it again.

I have a better chance of winning the lottery and joining the 1% than a North Korean child has of ever being overweight.

This phone hasn’t quite reached the level of ‘Clippy’, the obnoxious cartoon inflicted on the world by M$, but it’s close in a couple of areas.