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Miscellany — Why Now?
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Coming soon, but probably not to a store near many of us, is the Raspberry Pi, a $25 computer motherboard for Linux. The base unit has 256MB of memory, an SD card slot, USB port, and other goodies on a circuit board the size of a credit card. The processor is an ARM that is normally used in mobile phones. It is designed to get people interested in messing around with computers again, like we did in the days of the Sinclair and BBC Micro.

Today xkcd featured an Advent calendar for philosophy majors.

I was remiss in not reporting this earlier, but the Gävlebocken celebrated its 45th anniversary on December 1st, but arsonists struck at 2:45AM [local] on the 2nd. They probably assumed that the goat’s protectors would let their guard down, or did too much celebrating.