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Iowa — Why Now?
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The results I’m looking for from Iowa are Santorum, Paul, and Romney finishing as 1,2, and 3. My reason is simple – that finish would guarantee that the political parties would change their rules and mandate that Iowa would not be allowed to hold any form of primary more than two weeks prior to the party’s convention.

I have been hearing short comments from Iowans which indicate that they are some of the most politically ignorant people in the US. When someone is going to vote for Newt ‘Efting’ Gingrinch because they think he can get ‘Congress to compromise’, you know they are brain-dead, and shouldn’t be allowed to vote, much less get to be the first to select candidates for President of the United States.

It is well past time for the parties to go ‘Biblical’ on Iowa – “and the first shall be last.”


1 Steve Bates { 01.02.12 at 10:11 pm }

An African American acquaintance some 30 years ago once told me that IOWA was an acronym for “Investments Of White America,” and that too is probably true, and may just be related to the political ignorance there: monochrome populations simply don’t have as much motivation to learn about other people’s lives and drives as diverse populations do. I suppose one could generalize that tendency to American conservatives everywhere, but there seems to be an exceptional concentration of them in I.O.W.A., um, I mean, Iowa.

I guess we’ll learn more about how they think tomorrow.

2 Bryan { 01.02.12 at 10:58 pm }

There was a time when Iowa was representative of the US, but people moved off the farm and began working for wages. Iowa hasn’t changed with the rest of the nation. That’s their right, but they shouldn’t get such a large voice in who will run for President.

3 Badtux { 01.03.12 at 9:38 am }

The parties tried to go all Biblical on Floriduh too. I seem to recall you didn’t exactly like that result…

4 Bryan { 01.03.12 at 7:17 pm }

What I objected to was the fact that 5 states violated the rules, but only two were punished, and the punishment was changed from losing half of their delegates to losing all of them. This was only done to the states that Zero didn’t think he would win, and there was no consideration given to the fact that the violation was the result of the action of the Republicans.

The Republicans made the change to suppress the vote in the primary so they could sneak through several nasty initiatives that were also on the ballot. Thanks to the Democratic National Committee all of the initiatives were approved.

That is a primary reason why I left the Democratic Party, and removed several sites from my blog roll who backed this move by Obama. I won’t vote for Zero for any reason. There is no proof that he is ‘the lesser evil’, and a lot of proof to the contrary.