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New Hampshire Results — Why Now?
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New Hampshire Results

With 100% of the votes counted in Dixville Notch [the polls open at midnight and close when everyone is done] Huntsman and Romney are tied with two apiece while Paul and Gingrinch are tied for third with one apiece.

All media outlets are required to send someone to Dixville Notch for all elections and report on the results, no matter how meaningless they actually are. Without the Internet you would have to wait until morning to find out this crucial piece of information.

New Hampshire gets to go first because … well, it could be traditional … or not.

It is a hell of a way to select a candidate, and it’s all ours.

Full disclosure: yes, I knew this trivia was coming, and I’m as guilty as CNN for reporting it.


1 oldwhitelady { 01.10.12 at 6:20 pm }

Very interesting. So does Dixville Notch only have 6 adults?

2 Bryan { 01.10.12 at 9:31 pm }

It has 12, but only 6 vote in the Republican primary.