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New Hampshire Primary — Why Now?
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New Hampshire Primary

First, they changed the assignment of delegates from Iowa, with Romney getting 13 and Santorum getting 12, and the others getting stiffed. No explanation, just the new numbers.

New Hampshire normally has 23 delegates on offer, but they moved their primary date and the RNC dinged them 11 delegates, so this is a race for a dozen delegates. Just so you know how totally irrelevant all of this is, it takes 1144 delegates to win the nomination.

With 95% of the votes counted it’s Romney [40%], Paul [23%], Huntsman [17%], Gingrinch [10%], Santorum [9%], and Perry [1%].

Next up is South Carolina, which is a much bigger state, so it is totally ignored because all it has are delegates, not the ‘magic anointing properties’ of Iowa and New Hampshire. That’s where the ‘Newtron bomb’ targeting Romney is set to be used by Gingrinch’s superPAC that is in no way affiliated with the official campaign [nod, nod, wink, wink].


1 Badtux { 01.11.12 at 1:58 am }

Looks pretty much like what Nate Silver predicted… and 40% is *not* good for Romney in New Hampshire. Given its close proximity to where he was governor, Romney should have easily broken 50%. But it appears that most Republicans are still for anybody but Romney, despite the fact that Romney is pretty much the only sane one of the bunch running for President on the GOP side. Evil, but sane. But that pretty much disqualifies him as far as the batsh*t crazy GOP base is concerned…

– Badtux the Dwarf-race-observin’ Penguin

2 Steve Bates { 01.11.12 at 11:26 am }

In newly formed democracies abroad, they have passionate fights over the rules for electing leadership. In America, even if we have rules, we ignore them, and make shit up as we go along. It’s the American way, or at least the Republican way.

For better or worse, the real winner of the Republican campaign so far is Barack Obama. Who knows if that will change with time and more primaries, but it wouldn’t surprise me too much if the GOPers are forced to steal another one as they did in 2000. I wonder if even that would send people into the streets; Americans seem willing to tolerate all too much IMHO.

3 Bryan { 01.11.12 at 7:55 pm }

Romney has spent too much time in New Hampshire and people got to know him, big mistake when you are Romney.

Why anyone wastes money on the first two events is beyond me. Huntsman at least gave Iowa a pass.

Yes, Badtux, Romney should have had an outright win in the primary, and he is going to get beat up in South Carolina. It is a matter of who can afford to hang in until the large votes take place.

Romney’s superPAC is already running anti-Gingrinch ads in Florida according to my Mother [she didn’t know it was Romney, but she knew the name of the PAC].

What an absurd non-system we have.

Steve, I don’t think people really care about this election, because they know nothing is going to change.

4 Badtux { 01.11.12 at 11:27 pm }

I caught Gingrinch laying into Romney on CNN Radio on the way home tonight. Ooooh boy, talk about getting *personal*. The Grinch was in fine form firing both barrels at Romney, you got the impression he wasn’t looking for votes for himself and didn’t expect to get any votes doing what he was doing, he just despises Romney with every bit of his evil little soul. Talk about holding a grudge! Of course, Romney gives him plenty of ammo to shoot with, given Romney’s own lack of any moral center…

– Badtux the Somewhat Entertained Penguin

5 Bryan { 01.12.12 at 4:00 pm }

Gingrinch was dumped on major league by Romney’s PAC in Iowa, and now in Florida, so there was no way the Newtron Blob was going to ignore it. The Grinch’s PAC has put together a 30 minute show and bought air time in South Carolina telling the story of what Romney and Bain did to factories in South Carolina. They aren’t even lying, that’s how bad Bain is – vulture capitalists all the way.