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It Sounded Better In The Original German — Why Now?
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It Sounded Better In The Original German

The ABC reported on a recent decision of Israel’s highest court: Israeli court upholds controversial marriage law

But the court has ruled that human rights cannot override Israel’s security concerns, with one judge writing that: “Human rights are not a prescription for national suicide.”

So they believe that The State is more important than mere people. The State apparently has the right to do whatever it wants to people as long as it claims to be for ‘security reasons’.

There is more than a little Roger Taney in these comments. It leaves unanswered the question of why people would belong to a state that had no regard for their rights?


1 Steve Bates { 01.14.12 at 10:35 pm }

“The State apparently has the right to do whatever it wants to people as long as it claims to be for ‘security reasons’.”

I wonder where Israel got that idea…

… or perhaps I should wonder where America got that idea.

2 Steve Bates { 01.14.12 at 10:46 pm }

Taney, like today’s five “conservative” Justices, seemed to have the mistaken (one might almost say naive) idea that the Dred Scott ruling could be enforced with no consequences from those who opposed it on human rights grounds. At least one part of America’s tradition is to fight like hell when “justice” wreaks injustice, and I only hope that’s a tradition that can be revived today… goodness knows the Court and the DoJ are both responsible for a lot of injustice in the past decade or so.

3 Bryan { 01.14.12 at 11:20 pm }

That concept is pure Likud/neocon. Another gift from AIPAC.

People are getting desperate and there will be rioting sooner or later unless we get serious about jobs. There are a lot of people who are sinking to a level where their survival is being threatened, and most people will refuse to give up without a fight.

What got me was the cavalier comment of that judge, and US tax dollars support that country.

4 Badtux { 01.15.12 at 11:50 am }

I had a former Israeli tank commander refer to Palestinians as “cockroaches” in my presence, just as the Nazis referred to Jews. Erm, yeah. My guess is that the current attitude of the State of Israel towards Palestinians *does* sound better in the original German…

Official U.S. support for Israel is around $8B/year, or about the same as the California budget deficit this year. So it’s not huge. Still, the fact that my tax dollars are going to support a bunch of racist hate-mongers doesn’t sit well with me…

5 Bryan { 01.15.12 at 9:50 pm }

If we weren’t giving them all the money, I wouldn’t care all that much about them. The fact that we are giving them money, and let them get away with spying on us, without any repercussions, just sticks in my craw. They are not our friends, and never have been. Every bad idea in the ‘War on Terror’ originated in Israel, including the lack of regard for people’s rights.

6 Steve Bates { 01.16.12 at 9:56 pm }

The thing that repeatedly irritates me is the claim that the U.S. should support Israel because it is “the Middle East’s only democracy.” Israel today is a democracy approximately in the manner and to the degree that America was a democracy in the era of slavery. A “democracy” that denies some of its people the fundamental rights others have is no democracy.

7 Bryan { 01.16.12 at 10:03 pm }

Everyone seems to conveniently forget Turkey – member of NATO, has fought along side US troops, provides US bases – when talking about the Middle East. They have done it to the point that Turkey is heading out on its own path now, as it has no reason to get along with the US anymore.