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On Strike Tomorrow — Why Now?
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On Strike Tomorrow

In my meager attempt to support the SOPA Strike I won’t be posting anything tomorrow.

The House’s ‘Stop On-line Piracy Act’ won’t stop piracy, and the Senate’s ‘Protect Intellectual Property Act’ won’t protect intellectual property. What both will do is mandate that hosting companies and ISP become censors.

Google can’t possibly function if it is supposed to remove ‘suspected’ violators from the search results.

This is supposed to ‘protect American jobs’, but the six multinationals that control the media in the US couldn’t care less about American jobs, when the animation work all got shipped to Asia, and many of the TV shows are actually filmed in Canada, they care about their bottom line. That was behind their attempt to rip off the writers last year which resulted in a strike.

BlogSpot, WordPress, etc. are not going to be free if they are required to vet every blog post on their systems for ‘suspected’ copyright infringement.

I create intellectual property, I don’t see how either of these bills is going to help me maintain my rights. All is does is provide the six conglomerates with a lot of free labor.

I have a news flash for the US Congress – you can’t enforce US laws in other countries. The Internet is global and it can’t be controlled by the US. If you make the burden of operating from facilities in the United States a PITA, Internet companies will leave.