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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Soaking Up The Rays

Friday Cat Blogging

Warmth again …

[Editor: This is a better shot of Underhouse in the late afternoon sun. We’ve had frequent cold fronts move through, and Wednesday night’s storm featured a thunderstorm.

Friday Ark


1 jams o donnell { 01.20.12 at 6:38 am }

Well Underhouse might as well grab rays while the sunshines!

2 Bryan { 01.20.12 at 11:41 am }

Most of the cats were up on the roofs to get warm. I tried to get a picture, but they all had their backs to me, and going to the other side I would have been shooting into the sun, which wouldn’t be a great idea.

They don’t come out in winter until the late afternoon, so it is a condition I must deal with.

3 oldwhitelady { 01.22.12 at 8:20 am }

Woowee -Underhouse has some remarkable markings. Those white feet, bib, and face are so cute! What a little darling! He does look content.

4 Bryan { 01.22.12 at 9:41 pm }

They may look cute, but none of the Underhouse gang acts that way, which is why it is a struggle to get pictures of them.