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Florida Primary — Why Now?
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Florida Primary

Romney decided to show up for the latest of the millions of debates in the Republican primaries, probably as a result of the Grinch’s win in South Carolina.

No major Florida Republican is endorsing anyone in the primary. I think the candidates each sent a note asking our governor not to endorse them [if you saw his approval rating you would understand why], but they were all hoping that JEB and, especially, Marco Rubio would give their seal of approval. No one is making endorsements.

This primary is strictly a Republican primary. There are no amendments or other issues on the ballot, so registered Republicans are the only ones who can vote. The results are going to be determined by turn-out. Ron Paul’s cadre will show up, but there are no real indicators of who else will make the effort. So far there isn’t a lot of early voting.

There are no signs along the roads, none of the usual indicators that an election is taking place. You get the feeling that everyone assumed that Romney would have things sewed up and the campaign would be on cruise control. I don’t think any of the candidates, other than Ron Paul, has a real organization in the state.

At this point the problem for the Republicans is going to be getting people to make the effort to vote. It is anyone’s guess who those who do vote will actually select.


1 hipparchia { 01.25.12 at 9:11 pm }

It is anyone’s guess who those who do vote will actually select.

judging by the yard signs and bumper stickers, my county is going to go all in for either ron paul or mccain/palin.

2 Bryan { 01.25.12 at 9:50 pm }

I don’t think that the Clown College knows about yard signs, because the two biggest corners for signs in the area are bare. The local wingnut signmaker must be really PO’ed about that.

Yeah, I still see Mc-P bumper stickers, as well as W stickers, but no one seems to want to associate with any of these guys, and they vote for Jeff Miller, the invisible Congresscritter.