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Happy Republic Day — Why Now?
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Happy Republic Day

flag of India

Celebrates the establishment of the Republic of India on January 26th, 1950 when its new Constitution took effect.

The parade at New Delhi is, bar none, the most colorful military parade in the world. Hopefully this year the elephants are behaving, so they will appear.

Here’s the official site, and, as the Wikipedia entry is really pathetic, here is a tourist site with more information.


1 ellroon { 01.26.13 at 1:49 pm }

You mean you can ban the elephant section if they misbehave? Why don’t we have this as a law? Our elephants in Congress are misbehaving all over the place….

2 Bryan { 01.26.13 at 10:23 pm }

I keep telling people that if we neutered them they would calm right down, but no one listens.