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Wretched Excess — Why Now?
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Wretched Excess

At some point the original owner of the house I’m working on decided to convert the garage into a master bedroom. That is a picture of the method he used to avoid having a concrete floor. Those are 16-foot 2-inch by 12-inch slabs of pine. They are not cheap, and they are normally used as joists or support beams. The ‘normal way’ would have been to use treated 1 by 2s and ¾”plywood achieve the current height. I would have raised the height to the same level as the rest of house, so you didn’t need to step down into the room. Of course, I would have also put in a door that was wider than 24 inches so you could move things in and out without pulling out the stove.

This house is really messed up.


1 Badtux { 01.31.13 at 10:40 am }

Garage conversions are a heresy to begin with. I just don’t get it — if you need a house with more space, just buy one, don’t try to use a space that has a perfectly good use (storing your tools and lawnmower 🙂 ) for another purpose!

2 Steve Bates { 01.31.13 at 9:22 pm }

As I’ve found out over the past 4 years, 24-inch doors are a nightmare for people in wheelchairs or on walkers. My advice: build ’em wider in the first place. I have to transition (yes, transition is the verb; it’s been verbed) from one mode to the other just to get from the living area of the house to the halls, bedrooms and bathrooms. Great thinking, eh?

3 Bryan { 01.31.13 at 10:49 pm }

If you are going to do it, Badtux, you may as well do it right because it will be cheaper in long run.

Steve, I don’t think any doorway or hall should be less than 36 inches. It would make it wheelchair, walker, refrigerator, stove, bed, couch, and laundry basket accessible. Having to take a door off its hinges just to get your bed into the room is not the world’s best situation.