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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

On Hold

Friday Cat Blogging

The service lately has been terrible!

[Editor: Property has to do an encore, because none of the cats is happy with the circular saw I’ve been using to finish up the rehab.]

Friday Ark


1 Badtux { 03.08.13 at 1:35 am }

Cats have sensitive hearing. A circular saw must be louder than standing next to a jet taking off to them.

2 Bryan { 03.08.13 at 10:33 pm }

It isn’t the decibels, it is the frequency. I have a high upper frequency range in my hearing, and the saw going through plywood or treated lumber really gets to me, even with ear plugs. I became aware of the problem with the capacitor used in my last camera to fire the flash. It really squealed when it was charging, but only for me and the cats. Most people don’t hear it. I know the cats heard it because they would close their eyes just before the flash.

3 Kryten42 { 03.09.13 at 10:58 am }

Hah!! I always said cat’s are smarter than humanz!! 😉 :lol;

Good looking cat Bryan, even if not looking terribly pleased! 🙂