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Dumber Than Dirt — Why Now?
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Dumber Than Dirt

The ‘technocrats’ who control the European economy have decided the best way of serving their masters, the major banks in Germany and France, is by starting a bank run in Cyprus. The run will quickly spread as other people realize this theft of deposits could happen to them in other Eurozone countries.

The reason people put their money in banks is to protect it. If the Eurozone bureaucrats and Angela Merkel think they can just confiscate money from bank accounts without people abandoning banks, they lack the intellectual capacity of rocks or bricks, and certainly can’t approach the sophistication of a box of hammers. Comparing them to dirt is probably too kind, as dirt is quite useful, while the technocrats keep proving they are not.


1 paintedjaguar { 03.18.13 at 4:12 pm }

TINA. There Is No Alternative. That’s what they think.

Seems to be true enough in the U.S. these days. Elsewhere, maybe not. I wouldn’t care to place any bets.

2 Bryan { 03.18.13 at 11:36 pm }

It’s religion, PJ, not reality. They are looking for some reason not to throw the bankers in jail for their crimes, and are trying to shift the blame to everyone else while protecting the people who caused the problem.