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Zombie Bills — Why Now?
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Zombie Bills

The floating banner at the top of the page is from the Internet Defense League, and it deals with the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. This sucker was shot down in the last Congress, but it has returned.

This bill turns your ISP into an agent for NSA by ‘allowing’ them to ‘share’ everything about you with the government with no pesky letters or warrants. They don’t tell you they are doing it, and it is exempt from Freedom of Information requests. It is a clear violation of your Fourth Amendment rights, but Congress doesn’t care, and you can’t challenge it in court unless you can prove the unprovable – that your data has been shared.

They are really trying to force everyone to encrypt everything they do on the ‘Net, which really is a waste of resources.

Once again – we had all of the necessary data to discover the 9/11 plot before it happened, but we lacked the people to analyze what we had. The solution to the problem was to hire more people, but they keep gathering more data. It is becoming so absurd that you have to wonder whose side Congress is on.