New Marketing Push
A few years ago I wrote about a local whacko, who has turned his property on a major commercial street into an anti-Obama billboard [topped by the obligatory battle flag of the Army of Tennessee.]
Today I went by the main Post Office and on the right-of-way in front of it is some whacko with a collection of anti-Obama signs. If someone doesn’t stay with the signs, they will be gathered up and discarded, so he’s sitting out on the side of the road under a beach umbrella to show how much he hates the ‘Muslim Socialist’ who was just reelected President of the United States, including by the electorate of Florida.
No indication as to what the basis of impeaching Obama would be, but then, there doesn’t really have to be.
I keep asking people of that teabagger ilk what illegal thing Obama has done that warrants impeachment, and they just stammer and stutter. C’mon, peeps. At least liberals had *something* to impeach Bush about — Bush lied to Congress about Iraq’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction. Weak tea, sure, but still tea. Teabaggers don’t even got the tea — they just got the bag.
But of course we know the *real* reason why teabaggers want to impeach Obama. It’s because Obama is a nig… err… *Nigerian*. Yeah, Nigerian, that’s the word. Thus Orly Taitz’s lonely and insane crusade to get Obama removed from office as ineligible due to nig… errr… NIGERIAN… birth…
– Badtux the N-word(*) Penguin
* Nigerian
*gasp*… all those letters from the Nigerian prince/ banker/ business man!!11! It’s Obama’s secret fundraising!!
Impeach! .. uh… well… I’d just like my money back….
Never mind.
Yep, because Hawaii isn’t part of the United States, so Obama wasn’t a real American like John McCain whose birth certificate is from … the Panama Canal Zone …
Well, the Nigerians paid off handsomely for former Congresscritter William Jefferson, in ‘cold’ cash, but everyone else seems to complain. 😉
Everyone with a functioning brain knows it’s because he’s a ‘Nigerian’, and calls himself a Democrat. So far they haven’t located even a minimal excuse like they discovered for Clinton, but they won’t give up.
Minimal excuse… Kenneth Starr had interesting ideas about what could be grounds for impeachment. I think the prelude-plus-doggerel below was from 1998, before the actual impeachment, but I’m not certain…
In 1992, when he was the Bush administration solicitor general,
[Kenneth] Starr himself argued to the Supreme Court in a case involving
a judicial impeachment that Congress, if it chose, could
impeach a president for poisoning his neighbor’s cat.
(from: House’s Challenge: Define ‘Impeachable’,
By Ruth Marcus and Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, September 8, 1998; Page A1)
Hillary Keeps Tabs on Bill
Ken Applies his Shoes to Socks
The evil, ancient Kenneth Starr,
His face bespectacled and flabby,
Would bring the Prez before the bar
For feeding arsenic to Tabby.
Indeed, than such a lowly slime
Who poisons Puss, there’s none obscener;
Now that, indeed, would be high crime,
And he who did it, Mr. Meaner!
But surely, Clinton’s interest
In Pussy’s naught to do with strychnine,
Bill thinks he is with nine WIVES blessed…
Can’t marry nine? well, still he’ll prick nine!
Whatever vows Bill may have breached,
It’s Hil, not Ken, of whom he’s scared…
Although he may not be impeached,
I think he’s apt to be impaired!
– SB the YDD
I could see doing it for blowing up frogs with firecrackers, or pretending to be a rancher while afraid of horses, but what the Republicans did was so over the top that they lost seats over it. Democrats won’t even impeach when their are self-admitted war crimes. Those are the political parties we are stuck with – crazy or cowardly.
In a way I think Hillary didn’t divorce him because of what the Republicans did. They drained off a lot of her anger by being such hypocritical jerks. It seemed like the House ‘prosecutors’ all had adultery, and even illegitimate children, in their background.