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I Get E-Mail — Why Now?
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I Get E-Mail

I have corresponded from time to time with Debbie Wasserman Schultz since she was in the Florida legislature in 2000. I initiated the contact because she was on the relevant committee when JEB Bush was trying to steal the vote in Florida for his brother by conspiring with the Republicans in the legislature to call a special session to overrule the vote counting by selecting a slate of electors. Debbie and her Democratic colleagues fought that tooth and nail, but the voters and legislature were both overruled by the Supreme Court.

She is now in the US House of Representatives and has risen quickly in the power structure.

Yesterday she sent me an e-mail that started “The biggest threat to middle class families today goes by two words: Ryan Plan.” Asking me to sign a petition opposing the plan.

She obviously hasn’t been paying attention to the news, because the Obama Budget is a much bigger threat to working and middle-class families than what ‘Ayn Rand Paul Ryan‘ has cobbled together. Calling the collection of PowerPoint slides that Ryan came out with a plan is a bit of a stretch, and it was DOA when it was rolled out. The Obama Budget, OTOH is an existential threat to the Democratic Party and every worker who is paying or has paid their FICA taxes.

Get back to me, Debbie, when you have the petition opposing the Obama Budget. Show me that the Democratic Party hasn’t become a cult of personality for Obama, and still has some principles.