Tax Day
Which means my cats are all a year older: Sox is 15, Ringo 8, and Excise and Property are 6. Their vet sent them a birthday card.
While they were celebrating, a lot of other people were dealing with the final call for their tax returns. This is not a day to have your computer or ‘Net connection die if you were planning on e-filing. The reality is that most people who wait owe money, and are putting off sending the check until the last minute.
I think I’ve convinced the cats that this song is really “Happy Birthday”.
April 15, 2013 Comments Off on Tax Day
The Boston Marathon is run every year on Patriots Day, a Massachusetts holiday commemorating the battles of Lexington and Concord in the state that mark the beginning of the Revolutionary War.
Today there were at least two explosions near the finish line of the race, and a fire at the JFK Library within a limited period of time.
At least three people, including a child, are confirmed dead, and over 140 people are reportedly injured.
Those are the facts that are known. We don’t know what caused the explosions or the fire. A lot of people including CNN are calling this a terrorist attack, but we don’t have enough information yet to state that these events were the result of intentional acts by people. Until evidence is gathered and analyzed we simply don’t know.
Because it did occur near the finish line, there has to be a lot of video of the events, and video of possible suspects if these turn out to be actual bombs, intentionally planted.
Wait until we know what happened before drawing conclusions.
April 15, 2013 2 Comments