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The Attack Of Blight — Why Now?
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The Attack Of Blight

Charlie Pierce lives and works in Boston, so it was natural for him to begin early to report on the bombing. In his first post he told people not to jump to conclusions because ‘nobody knows anything yet.’

Apparently his caution was too much for some people and a Blight attack has occurred.

Now he did mention Timothy McVeigh as an example of someone other than their “preferred Muslim terrorists” as a type of person who would do something like this, so that possibly set off the rabid horde.

A safer path would have been to use al Qaeda of Cambridge, Friends of Hamas, the Newer Black Panthers, or ACORN, rather than a convicted terrorist bomber. [Please note that ACORN, which no longer exists, is the only real group in that list. The others are made up. It’s called sarcasm, OK?]

Fortunately officials have stepped in to save Abdulrahman Ali Alharbi from becoming the Richard Jewell of this event. Which reminds me that Eric Rudolph would have been a closer match for the Boston Marathon than McVeigh.


1 Badtux { 04.16.13 at 11:38 pm }

Indeed, as I’ve pointed out, the last time a U.S. athletic event was bombed, it wasn’t one of those dusky fellers. But I think the killer quote from that article is this:

We have abandoned the rational for the comfortable, and we have abandoned the empirical for the comfortably insane.

The press, unfortunately, has a large blame in this, since they give equal time to both the rational and the batshit crazy, lending a legitimacy to the batshit crazy that is far beyond what it is worth. They call this “avoiding bias”, but what it actually is, is an abrogation of one of the most fundamental duties of a citizen: the refusal of assistance to those who would harm the nation. They enable these lunatics, then complain about the lack of respect that people have for modern journalism. It is to laugh, if it were not so serious…

2 Badtux { 04.16.13 at 11:45 pm }

Ah yes, I forgot, there is an XKCD about that. Of course, there is an XKCD about *everything*, so that should not be surprising!

3 Bryan { 04.16.13 at 11:52 pm }

Upon reflection, I probably stole that from you, because when you said it, I remembered your comment on the Atlanta bombs. I personally associate Rudolph with some of his other attacks in Alabama. He preferred ‘soft targets’ and used pipe bombs.

CNN has been off the rails on this. Reading their coverage really makes you understand why they hired Glenn Beck – he is their type of guy. Nancy Grace is a prime example of trial by media.

4 Bryan { 04.17.13 at 12:32 am }

Oh, I missed your second comment.

As a child I saw a beef roast that was sprayed on the ceiling over the stove when my Mother’s pressure cooker malfunctioned and blew out the emergency plug. That was fairly exciting.

As usual I noticed that some in the media are referring to the bombs as “IEDs”, to give themselves some military cred. That’s pretty lame. The pressure cooker substitutes for the pipe and caps in a pipe bomb, with the advantage of being easier to fill.

Anyone who is interested can build a bomb with a quick trip to a ‘home improvement store” or MalWart.

The longer it goes without anyone claiming credit, the more likely it is domestic terrorism. Actually, I’ve felt it was most probably domestic from the beginning, because this wasn’t really the right kind of target for most Muslim terrorists.

5 Kryten42 { 04.17.13 at 1:27 pm }


Of course, if it is discovered to be domestic, the absolutely biased media will do the usual “Move along! Nothing to see Here!” and then proceed to flood the report that Prez Obama must be an atheist because he parts his hair the wrong way.

Just sayin…

6 Bryan { 04.17.13 at 2:33 pm }

CNN was on at my Mother’s when I stopped by and they are really cheerleading for an Islamic terrorist connection. ‘Woof Blitzen’ really wants it to be at least an Arab, although I think he would prefer an Iranian. I get the feeling that they want another war.

What assholes!

7 Badtux { 04.17.13 at 3:14 pm }

Bryan, war is good for at least a few dozen news cycles of higher ratings, until people get tired of it and go back to waiting for new episodes of Honey Boo Boo to air. So of course CNN and Wolfman are hankerin’ fer war…

Kryten, the usual suspects are already blaming President Obama even though they don’t know who the dude is yet. If someone farted in the elevator they were riding in, they’d blame President Obama.

8 Bryan { 04.17.13 at 4:36 pm }

If CNN has tipped off the suspect and he escapes. anyone who talks to them should be on the unemployment line tomorrow.