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Hexennacht — Why Now?
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It’s Hexennacht and the moon is waning gibbous [between full and last quarter, but there is no Blocksberg available for dancing down here and local fire officials frown on bonfires during “Fire Weather Warnings”.

Of course the Church grabbed this holiday too and called it Walpurgisnacht in honor of one of their Anglo-Saxon saints, rather than good German witches [Hexen].

The Celts celebrate Beltaine at this time of the year.


1 ellroon { 04.30.13 at 12:51 pm }

So… this must explain why our arsonists in Southern California look to the hills and rub their hands together with delight… they’re Druids not deranged!

2 Bryan { 04.30.13 at 3:24 pm }

And your proof that Druids aren’t deranged would be …?

This is actually the beginning of ‘summer’ in Europe, with the Solstice considered Midsummer. The fires were actually used as part of the preparation for planting and a source of wood ash for fertilizer and soap making.

3 Badtux { 04.30.13 at 10:22 pm }

You said Druids?

Yes, I love me some Spinal Tap. I think all musicians do :).