National Lampoon’s Casablanca
We started with Orwell and Kafka, and have descended to Mel Brooks.
First there was the journalists imitating an ancient Keystone Kops routine with the flight to Havana, and now, Corrente’s MsExPat tells us why Hong Kong didn’t arrest anyone.
One would think that at this point the US government would know Mr Snowden’s full name. There must be an Edward James Snowden out there somewhere who is going to be in for a nasty shock if he needs to use his passport. This also means, that apparently the Edward Joseph Snowden in the transit area of the Moscow airport still has a valid US passport.
Personally I would have hated to appear before the local town justice trying to justify an arrest based on the complaint of a Federal official that someone ‘stole State property’. The justice would throw the whole thing, me included, out of his court. The whole process was sloppy, ignorant, and arrogant. The Chinese won’t forget about it for a very long time.
Well, we will have an international cast with Edward Snowden as Victor Laszlo, Vladimir Putin as the poor, corrupt official Captain Louis Renault, Barrack Obama as Major Heinrich Strasser.
Maybe they can get Elton John or Billy Joel to play Sam, but I think Julian Assange will get stuck with the part of Signor Ugarte.
They might also drop the Spanish and call it The White House…