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2013 June 27 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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The MSM proves once again it has the attention span of a kitten in a yarn factory.

The latest bogus government press release being disseminated is that ‘terrorists’ are changing the way they do things as a result of the Snowden leaks.

I have no idea why a system that depends on couriers known on sight at the links they maintain would be changed because the US government is spying on its citizens.

Look, if you are a supposed journalist working for any MSM outlet, you need to be aware of the Internet. The programs that are used on the Internet are called browsers and they all feature a box called the search box in the upper right-hand corner. If you type in “al qaeda hacked” in that box on click on the magnifying glass, you will see that the UK’s MI6 and US Cyber Command have been giving themselves pats on the back for attacking ‘terrorist’ web sites, for years.

To sum up, we are asked to believe that evidence that the US government is spying on its own citizens is responsible for ‘terrorists’ not trusting the Internet, but years of obvious attacks carried out by US and UK intelligence services didn’t cause the ‘terrorists’ to avoid doing anything important on the Internet. Yeah, right…

June 27, 2013   2 Comments