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Having already helped to put Edward Snowden on the Nobel Peace Prize list, the current administration has made Vladimir Putin a contender.

Someone needs to take John Kerry aside and explain that it is the Secretary of Defense who should be arguing for war, not the Secretary of State. They can also explain that there wouldn’t be ‘boots on the ground’ in a nuclear exchange but it is still war.

If the US had proposed international control of Syria’s chemical weapons at the UN Security Council and been turned down, then it could have moved on to discussing war, but it dismissed any attempt at diplomacy and went directly to war.

I have already read people attempting to spin this as more ’11 dimensional chess’ on the part of Zero, but Kerry’s attempt to back off his comment about international control of chemical weapons makes it obvious that it was just thrown out as an impossible choice.

Everyone in the Middle East remembers what happened to Saddam Hussein when he complied with the demand to prove he had no WMDs – the US told the weapons inspectors to leave when they weren’t proving the existence of the weapons, and Iraq was invaded. The US has a credibility problem when it comes to inspection teams, not Syria.

Zero is still pushing for a Use of Force resolution from Congress to be used if Assad doesn’t cooperate, but Congress and the public are in no mood for that sort of thing. John Kerry has sounded too much like Colin Powell for people to trust the government.


1 Badtux { 09.11.13 at 2:45 am }

I am baffled about what has happened to John Kerry. The courageous young man who volunteered for a war zone for a war he disagreed with and then volunteered to be spat upon as a member of VVAW appears to have become just another run-of-the-mill gutless warmonger. Sigh!

2 Bryan { 09.11.13 at 10:15 am }

The current White House seems to have that effect on people. Hillary was always something of a hawk, but she went all out as Secretary of State. We need to demilitarize the State Department and get back to diplomacy.

Actually, we need to do that with law enforcement in this country.

3 Badtux { 09.12.13 at 12:48 am }

It would help if we would quit declaring wars all the time. Oh, not wars on countries — we don’t do that anymore, we just wage war on them without ever declaring war — but, rather, declaring war on inanimate objects, on tactics, on behaviors, on anything *other* than countries. That can’t be helpful. I mean, when you’ve declared a War on Jaywalking, it’s no wonder that it takes a M-16 and combat armor to arrest people for jaywalking, yeesh!

4 Bryan { 09.12.13 at 4:04 pm }

Agreed, the War on [insert here] meme really pushes the wrong buttons and sets up the wrong mindset. When they can decide for no real reason that some group of activists can be considered ‘terrorists’ Officer Friendly gets mugged by GI Joe.

I’m not saying that police work is safe, but it isn’t as dangerous as working in a convenience store based on national statistics.