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Time — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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So, we are on ‘Standard Time’ for only around 4 months of the year, and ‘Daylight Saving Time’ the other 8 months. Wouldn’t it make more sense to call the cold months ‘Dark Time’ and the rest of the year ‘Standard Time’?

The Congressional calendar for the House in 2013 was 126 days, but that was apparently too hard on the Republican Congresscritters, because the 2014 calendar only has them working 113 days.

We pay them $174K apiece, and cover the expenses of traveling to and from their districts, and they only have to work 113 days? They only passed 15 laws in 2013, and one of those was the continuing resolution. Hell, we require 60 days from the Florida legislature and only pay them about $30k apiece.

These are the people who think that teachers need performance reviews‽

If they want the job, they should do the job. Give them National holidays and two weeks of vacation, but only one tax-payer-paid round-trip ticket between their district and DC per year. The job is in Washington. If they want to campaign, they can use their vacation time.

1 comment

1 Cirze { 11.03.13 at 10:40 pm }

Hear hear!

From your lips . . . .