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Provide For The Common Defense? — Why Now?
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Provide For The Common Defense?

Marcy Wheeler reports that after two years The National Commission for the Review of the Research and Development Programs of the United States Intelligence Community has reached some conclusions.

It should be noted that the work of the Commission was begun well in advance of the revelations of Edward Snowden, and is in no way predicated on the the information he has made public.

The short version – Alexander the Geek has totally screwed up. US cyber-defenses are almost totally ignored by the push to create more advanced offensive weapons. The large scale collection of data is beyond the capacity of the Intel Community to actually analyze or use, and the push for collection has degraded the nation’s defenses.

They should have learned the lesson of defense after Manning and Wikileaks, but they didn’t and are now dealing with the Snowden revelations. It is rather pointless to spend billions of dollars to listen to other people’s secrets if all of your secrets are available for the price of a newspaper.