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Points of Interest — Why Now?
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Points of Interest

Old White Lady has added an all black short-hair, Midnight, to her feline family, while Fallenmonk has been adopted by a Jack Russel mix named Zoey.

It was ten years ago today that both Mustang Bobby and Echidne started blogging after commenting for a while.


1 Steve Bates { 11.09.13 at 3:01 pm }

“Midnight”? Is there a law that every (nearly) solid black cat shall be named Midnight? If she’s as bright as Carol Nelson Douglas’s Midnight Louie or his apparent offspring Midnight Louise, I can hardly complain.

2 Bryan { 11.09.13 at 7:21 pm }

Free health care, free room and board, freedom to come and go, and freedom to nap – sounds like a pretty smart cat to me 🙂

3 Kryten42 { 11.10.13 at 5:41 pm }

Mom had an all black cat named midnight! 😉 😀 I had a light grey cat which we of course called “Misty”! LOL We should have called her “Lightening Terror” or something similar! She was small and vary fast and tough. Funny cat… To us, she was sweet as pie. Loved to curl up on your lap or snuggle next to you and get her ear scratched… People would assume she was cute and sweat. She loved to play… but to any other creature that came onto our property, especially birds or other cat’s, she was a serial killer! We lived a few minutes walk from the beach, and had the only house in the neighborhood with no (living) seagulls! 😆 Talk about territorial! Worse than Siamese (which are very territorial).

Fallenmonk’s Jack Russel reminds me of one I owned, called Jacquie (what else?) 😉 similar color scheme, but had shorter legs and more of a barrel body. 🙂 It looks to me (from that pic), that she’s eager to please. 🙂 JR’s are curious dog’s. They are smarter than they get credit for, but love exercise (love to play and walk’s). If you don’t walk them daily, they get bored and can become annoying. But you can’t let them run free, especially if there are any burrows around! They will disappear down a rabbit or fox hole quicker than you can yell stop! We had Jacquie disappear for a couple days that way. Then it’s off to the Vet for expensive treatment! *sigh*

4 Bryan { 11.10.13 at 6:58 pm }

People in the US tend to be unaware of what dogs were bred for, which will give you important clues to what they will do if you don’t watch them closely. German Shepherds herd and don’t much care what kind of animal they herd – obviously sheep, cows, kids, rabbits, ducks, chickens, cats … Shepherds don’t care.

Almost all of the terrier breeder are vermin hunters, not lap dogs, and if they see a burrow they’ll go for it. Dachshunds were bred to hunt badgers, standard Poodles are water retrievers [the weird cut was designed for swimming, including to pompom on their tail to make them easy to track in the water]. Fallenmonk has a good dog to protect his garden.

People need to know about their dog’s breed so they know whether trouble they get into is a bad habit or instinct. You can correct habits, but instinct stays.