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Climate Change Denial — Why Now?
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Climate Change Denial

Susie Madrak found a a press report on Typhoon Haiyan by AFP that still won’t take the last step and admit reality:

Meteorologists have yet to formally link global warming to typhoons like the one that devastated the Philippines, but they expect increasingly extreme weather phenomena due to a rise in ocean temperatures.

There have been typhoons in the Pacific for all of recorded history, but this one had 195 mph sustained winds. This was the most powerful tropical cyclone at landfall on record. It isn’t that climate change causes typhoons or hurricanes, it’s that the warmer water makes them more intense. Tropical cyclones gain their energy from the warm water – the higher the temperature, the greater the energy.

If the AFP wants to know if what happened was linked to global climate change, maybe they could interview some Filipinos.