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He Finally Did It — Why Now?
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He Finally Did It

Harry Reid finally accepted the reality that the Senate Republicans had no intention of acting in good faith on any agreement regarding the filibuster, and changed the rules for nominations for every job except the Supreme Court Justices.

Mitch McConnell wailed about all of the damage that was done by stopping the Republicans from blocking votes on nominees, even nominees who were later approved almost unanimously. The Republicans will continue to stall nominations in committee and use every procedural trick available to keep anything from being done, but one of the roadblocks has been removed.

Maybe it was a bad idea for the Republicans under majority leader Bill Frist to have brought up the ‘nuclear option’, but in life and politics you reap what you sow. Basically the Republicans got the rule change they suggested when they were in charge, so they really shouldn’t complain.


1 Badtux { 11.22.13 at 1:06 am }

Did someone give Harry a backbone transplant or somethin’?

2 Bryan { 11.22.13 at 11:39 am }

I think that McConnell violated a guarantee that he had personally made to Reid, and that was the last straw. The filibuster used to work because people honored their word, but once that stopped happening, everything fell apart.

The GOP stopped pretending that they were doing it for anything other than politics.