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Nine Years? — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Nine Years?

I can’t believe I have been blogging for 9 years, but that’s what it says in the upper left sidebar. More than a thousand posts a year, and an average of more than 4 comments for every post – some of us need to go for a better quality of life.

I started to vent my anger at the voters who decided to re-elect the Shrubbery. Within 9 months of taking office the Twin Towers collapsed, and within 9 months of the start of his second term New Orleans drowned. The US voters will never win prizes for their choices.

If Zero and company don’t conspire with the whacko GOP to destroy my retirement I’ll probably be around for a while.


1 Steve Bates { 11.21.13 at 5:26 am }

“I’ll probably be around for a while.”

And your readers will be very glad you’re here!

BTW, response from your site is frequently VERY slow lately. Any ideas what’s going on?

(Added: E.g., posting this comment took nearly a full minute, even at the crack o’ dawn when things are often speedy.)

2 Jim Bales { 11.21.13 at 7:15 am }

Congratulations, Bryan — it has been a delight, and I will continue to read your blog for as long as you keep posting!


3 Kryten42 { 11.21.13 at 7:53 am }

Yes! Congrat’s m8! 😀 Time does fly. I’ve been annoying you and everyone here for about 7 years I think. Wow! That’s a record for me on a single blog.

Thanks for giving me a safe haven to have my say. It’s kept me sane! And I think I can safely say, you’ve helped others also, even if some don’t comment much or at all. 🙂

I think I found my way here via Badtux’s blog, and Sadly, NO! 🙂

Here’s to many more! Cheers! 😀

4 Kryten42 { 11.21.13 at 8:21 am }

Oh! I just remembered that the blog that actually started me on the path to Why Now? was Ron Brynaert’s “Why Are We Back In Iraq?”. He worked on several stories for Raw Story and became Managing Editor. I used to help out after leaving Loaded Mouth, when he became ME at Raw Story, I began looking for somewhere else that suited me. And here I am. 🙂

Just goes to show, you never know where a path may lead. 🙂

Sometimes, I still miss Loaded Mouth. We had a fast and furious pace with about a half dozen full time bloggers. We broke and debunked some big stories, but it came at a heavy cost. Our tag line was: “Nostalgic for a new tomorrow”. It was started and run by Taz. And he put his heart and soul into it.

We had a great cartoonist who started his own blog in 2004, Zen Comix. Great to see it’s still going. 🙂

Zen started a blog called “Pushing Rope” with several contributors, including old friends Taz, Sine.Qua.Non, Michael Hussey and others. Taz retired after a few years. If memory serves, I believe he was from Long Island. 🙂 Sadly, I fell out of touch with them over the years. But I am glad I knew them and many others. 🙂

I just had a look at my bookmark archive from the “Bushmoron Years”, and I had over 200 blogs on my list that I actually read!! (Some more than others!) No wonder I crashed and burned! 😆 *shrug* Some are still around, but many are gone. RIP! 🙂

I wax nostalgic… 🙂 Thanks once again Bryan. I hope you’ve enjoyed you time as much as we have m8. 😀

5 Bryan { 11.21.13 at 8:37 pm }

Steve, I’ve noticed that lately, and it seems to be related to database reads and writes. I’m be updating WordPress soon, so it will hopefully go away. If not I’ll ask NFS if something is going on at their end.

Thanks to one and all, and especially to the politicians who provide me with the anger that moves me to spew this stuff. If they started doing their jobs, I would be left with sled dogs, the Tour, hurricanes, and the World Cup.

6 hipparchia { 11.21.13 at 9:40 pm }

If they started doing their jobs, I would be left with sled dogs, the Tour, hurricanes, and the World Cup.

and i’d still be here reading about sled dogs and hurricanes (and cats). thanks you and congratulations.

7 Bryan { 11.21.13 at 11:51 pm }

Oops, I left out the cats 🙁

The cats will be late tomorrow as I’m trying to get a picture of my current outside nemesis.