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An Iran Nuclear Agreement? — Why Now?
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An Iran Nuclear Agreement?

The BBC is reporting Iran nuclear: Geneva talks ‘reach deal’. There is no real information on what was agreed to, but something has been signed that will be immediately condemned by the Israeli government and its lobbyists in and out of the US government.

John McCain will no doubt be on one of the Sunday talk shows to complain that we aren’t bombing Iran instead of negotiating with them.


1 ellroon { 11.24.13 at 1:54 am }

Peace with Iran means that the Rapture and the second coming will be postponed and we will have to find another boogie man to scare American citizens with. Which will displease a whole lot of people.

2 Bryan { 11.24.13 at 12:47 pm }

It is hard to understand how a nation that hasn’t attacked anyone in the entire history of the United States has become the object of so much hate … well, except for the fact that it has oil and gas deposits that people want to steal, and the Likud need someone to scare Israelis with.

3 Badtux { 11.24.13 at 7:10 pm }

Well, Iran *did* get Ronald Reagan elected back in ’80. Surely that’s enough reason to hate them, given that the election of Ronald Reagan is what basically started the collapse of the American middle class.

Of course, that was 33 years ago. And the people ruling the country now are not the people who were ruling the country then. So your guess is as good as mine.

4 Bryan { 11.24.13 at 11:39 pm }

OT: I thought you were on break for Thanksgiving?

5 Badtux { 11.25.13 at 12:19 am }

I will be, but at the moment am fixing a few last things before I can take my break…

6 Bryan { 11.25.13 at 9:58 pm }

As soon as you want to leave, the list of things that just have to be dealt with suddenly grows – is that ever familiar.