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Amnesty? — Why Now?
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People are talking about a possible offer of amnesty to Edward Snowden.

It is not going to happen because there is no way Snowden would believe it. Who in the US government has the credibility to make the offer and have Snowden accept it as real?

This is no doubt a result of NSA realizing that they have no way of knowing what Snowden has because they had no security on their internal system. Under Alexander the Geek, there was no serious effort at hardening systems to protect them from attack, he was all offense.

By now everyone should realize that when the leaders of the intel community speak they are lying. They lie about important things and trivial things – they just lie.

There is no one that Snowden would trust, so this is going nowhere.

Think about – is there anyone you would trust in the current government?


1 Steve Bates { 12.17.13 at 10:30 pm }

… is there anyone you would trust in the current government?


2 Bryan { 12.17.13 at 11:14 pm }

They Just don’t get it, Steve. They think they can screw people over and pay no price. The disconnect from reality is clinical.

3 Badtux { 12.18.13 at 1:28 am }

They drove out the only person in the administration that I would trust (Elizabeth Warren) by refusing to stand behind her when she needed support. That level of craven spinelessness tells you all you need to know. Even if they promised something and truly meant it, they don’t have the spine to stand up to the military-industrial-banking community when it counts and would cave immediately upon a stern word from the Pentagon and from Republicans. No, I would not trust them. They’re spineless and craven and will betray you quicker than a junkie jonesing for a hit. They have all the moral center of a bowl of jello. No, that’s insulting a bowl of jello, which has more firmness than the people who run the Obama administration…

– Badtux the Untrusting Penguin

4 Bryan { 12.18.13 at 10:48 pm }

Hopefully they’ll never convince her to leave the Senate, because that’s where she can be the most effective in her personal crusade for the middle class. I don’t see her running for President, but I hope she never accepts a job in anybody’s cabinet.

5 hipparchia { 12.19.13 at 10:15 pm }

Hopefully they’ll never convince her to leave the Senate, because that’s where she can be the most effective in her personal crusade for the middle class. I don’t see her running for President, but I hope she never accepts a job in anybody’s cabinet.

seconded, every single bit of it.

6 Bryan { 12.19.13 at 10:47 pm }

I think that certain elements within the Democratic Party would like to be able to control her, which is why I talked about a cabinet post. She is not a left-wing radical, she is a moderate, a real centrist. She wants a level playing field and that threatens the special interests who have taken over paying for political campaigns.

She is an excellent teacher, with the ability to explain things in terms everyone can readily understand and relate to. Frankly, that is what scares the hell out of the politicians. Once people figure out that the ‘game’ is rigged against them, they are going to demand changes.