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If You Go To Bed With Weasels … — Why Now?
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If You Go To Bed With Weasels …

You may find tender parts missing in the morning.

This was in the Local Puppy Trainer, but they have gone New York Times with a paywall, so no link.

The local Congresscritter, Jefferson Beauregard Miller, has been besieged with complaints from the retired military community in the area who have figured out that the budget deal just passed in the Republican-controlled House is going to reduce their retirement pay.

These are the same people who donated money and votes in 2008 to make Sarah Palin Vice President, and, unkindest cut of all, in 2012 they supported Ayn Rand Paul Ryan for the job. They actually believed that loyalty like that would protect them from harm.

An old sergeant of mine made the point that ‘Republicans like the toys, it’s the Democrats that support the boys’.

Some people never learn that if you want love and loyalty, get a dog at the shelter, don’t expect it from Republicans.