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…And Checking It Twice — Why Now?
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…And Checking It Twice

So it’s time to get everything in line so that there will be smooth sailing tomorrow.

Obviously you need the text of A Visit from St. Nicholas [AKA Twas the night before Christmas] or one of the variations.

But now that you’ve finished putting up enough lights to match the total electrical consumption of a third world nation, you can sit back and watch the North American Air Defense Command’s annual attempt to take out that red-suited commie’s attack on the capitalist system by giving stuff away. [Don’t worry kids, they are using the anti-missile defense system, so there’s no danger to anyone but taxpayers.]

This year Google has a tracker, if you don’t believe the government is up to the job.

Update: Norad has a slow loading site, but it uses actual satellite pictures of the terrain and gives a 3D appearance. Certainly flashier than Google, in many senses of the word – with and without caps.