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Happy, Merry, Joyous Whatever! — Why Now?
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Happy, Merry, Joyous Whatever!


Ho Ho Ho!

С Рождеством Христовым
Sung Tan Chuk Ha
Vrolijk Kerstfeest
Nadolig Llawen
Fröhliche Weihnachten
Joyeux Noël
Buon Natale
Feliz Navidad
God Jul
Rauhallista Joulua
Koli Sana Wa Anta Tayib
Happy Christmas

At 4AM CDT Christmas arrives in Asia, and the excitement is building among the “rug rats” that will burst forth at any moment to waken their poor parents who have probably had about two hours of sleep after dealing with “some assembly required” and/or “batteries not included”.

To avoid any bad feelings: it is an official requirement contained in the “Manual for Childless Adults” that some form or type of device that makes loud and obnoxious noises must be included in all Christmas parcels for children [of all ages].


1 Badtux { 12.25.13 at 8:42 pm }

Merry Christmas. Just recovering from the wretched holiday excess myself. The final day of festivities is tomorrow, at which point I expect that I shall be entirely unable to move under my own power for a significant amount of time.

2 Bryan { 12.25.13 at 10:22 pm }

If you don’t eat, people will think you are criticizing their cooking or are sick, so you have no choice 🙂

You obviously had a Merry Louisiana Christmas, but it had to be chilly.

Travel safe, Badtux.