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The Arcticalypse Is Over — Why Now?
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The Arcticalypse Is Over

The Arctic Vortex has gone home after an unwelcome visit to the US. If it doesn’t come back for another 20 years, it will be too soon.

People down here are dealing with frozen or busted pipes, but we have been spared so far from reports of house fires started by space heaters.

I saw a number of the feral cats today, so they had someplace to hang out. I’m planning some better solutions if they still have the big plastic storage boxes on sale.

We’re back to our normal sixties to forties winter weather.


1 Steve Bates { 01.09.14 at 9:22 pm }

Your “Arctic Vortex” remark set me to rhyming, nonsense in the manner of “If a packet hits a pocket…” but unfortunately the result did not meet even my low standard. Sigh… the first rhymes of the New Year, at that. Good nonsense rhymes were always difficult, as I am sure Charles Dodgson could have attested.

2 Bryan { 01.09.14 at 11:18 pm }

The Vortex and I are old ‘friends’. The winds that circle it cut the flying time from England to Alaska by hours.

I’ve noticed for several years that the winter jet stream was dropping in further and further South, which is part of the cooler than usual winters we have been having. We have always had cold spells, but now they are much longer and there are more of them.