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Recommended Stuff — Why Now?
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Recommended Stuff

There were a few things that really helped during the cold spell that others might like to have around.

LL Bean calls them fleece slipper socks, but they are based on a common form of Inuit mukluks (boot). The heavyweight fleece uppers have a leather sole attached, and my feet stayed warm in the house.

When I went outside I was wearing Duluth Trading’s fleece-lined jeans and their fleece vest. They both just work. They are not inexpensive, but if you have to be outside in cold weather, they are definitely worth the money. The stuff from Duluth tends to be bigger than normal, but they have decent customer service.

The other stuff I used is so old that you probably can’t buy it anymore.


1 ellroon { 01.13.14 at 2:13 pm }

You lived in Alaska, right? So you know about living in the cold and how to respect it. Me… living in Southern California.. have no clue how to behave in cold weather. Snow? Black ice? Blizzards? I would freeze to death in seconds.

But the sun I do respect. And have the umpteen bottles of sunscreen to prove it. That and rain. The first rain of the season lifts all the baked oil off the streets and people do amazing pirouettes with their cars through intersections because Californians don’t know how to drive in that weird wet stuff and the only speed we go is fast.

That said, can you guys send some rain this way? We’re apparently heading into our fourth year of drought and we need it. Not too much though, too much melts the hills and our houses wash off. And it makes the flammable grasses grow on the mountains.

And we still haven’t had the really big earthquake. Which is supposed to be any minute. That nobody prepares for. Because we’re too busy pirouetting, dying of thirst, melting and bursting into flames.

2 Steve Bates { 01.13.14 at 2:52 pm }

For fleece-lined apparel, Duluth
May help in preserving your youth.
Their sizes run bigger
Than normal… go figger…
Their ads, but for that, speak the truth!

– SB the YDD

3 Bryan { 01.13.14 at 5:49 pm }

Ah, yes the first rain and stop signs – a crash course if there ever was one. San Diego traffic was accident to accident when that happened. The freeway exits were the worst, as people never slowed enough and the exits were short.

I really would like to re-direct at least half of the rain somewhere else. Ellroon, because it is a mess as more people plant lawns which don’t drain like the sand. Even worse they put in irrigation systems that don’t sense rainfall, so you see sprinklers running when you are driving through heavy rain. Hopefully half of the irrigation pumps were destroyed by the freeze, because people forgot to drain them.

The ‘free market’ should enable us to swap rain for sunshine but that seems to be another failure of the ‘system’. Be happy you don’t have shale or the gas companies would be providing the earthquakes, as they have in Oklahoma and Ohio, with fracking, using up any water you may have.

Florida will mostly disappear as the sea level rises, so there’s no point in long-term planning. Most of California will still be there, even though a chunk of it will be on a barrier island with Baja after the Biggest One.

Yep, Steve, that’s about it 😉