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Irrelevant History — Why Now?
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Irrelevant History

Look, the real Paul Revere failed to complete his mission, but Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was stirring up patriotic fervor at the beginning of the Civil War and created a new ‘version’ of what happened. Historical inaccuracies aside, what does observing the moments of uniformed troops have to do with the National Security Agency? The roots of NSA begin in the 1930s with new technology and techniques, so World War II is as far back as any analogy can go and be reasonable.

If you want to make this about war, show people the declaration of war that passed both house of Congress. That’s how a war is defined in the United States. Show the people how this sucking up of all their personal communications has actually made them safer. This program has been going on for over a decade, as still hasn’t got a verified success. How long does it have to fail, how much money do we have to spend, before the government admits it doesn’t work?

Everyone in Federal service in the United States takes an oath to defend the Constitution – not the country, not the people, certainly not the flag, but the Constitution. The Constitution defines us and makes us the United States of America. The Constitution isn’t a convenience that can be ignored, it is the heart and soul of the country.