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Burns Night — Why Now?
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Burns Night

flag of Scotland

This is the anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns in Ayr, Scotland. The Burns Night celebrations conducted by Scots all over the world with haggis, whisky¹, and poetry.

Wikipedia has a description of the standard celebration, but easy on the malt or you may end up with a William McGonagall morning.

In honor of the occasion a bit of Robby Burns for the Democratic “leadership”:

The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men
Gang aft agley
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain
For promis’d joy!

To a Mouse

1. This is the correct spelling when referring to Scotland’s “water of life”.


1 Steve Bates { 01.25.14 at 10:01 am }

So it’s true… whatever Burns, produces hot Ayr! <grin_duck_run />

2 Bryan { 01.25.14 at 11:49 am }

You better run before someone drops a caber on you. 😉

3 paintedjaguar { 01.25.14 at 1:28 pm }

Or tries to palm off last year’s haggis.

4 Bryan { 01.25.14 at 1:45 pm }

I not sure that most people would know if it was last year’s haggis, unless they were acquainted with the sheep involved.

5 Badtux { 01.25.14 at 4:45 pm }

Why is everybody being mean to the poor defenseless little haggis? We can’t get them here in America because they are an endangered animal, sigh.


6 Bryan { 01.25.14 at 5:20 pm }

I can see that this post is going to be filled with tripe. 😈

7 Ole Phat Stu { 01.26.14 at 11:04 am }

The correct spelling is Uisghe 😉

8 Jim Bales { 01.26.14 at 3:00 pm }

Balloon Juice had a nice cross-cultural take on Burns Night:


9 Kryten42 { 01.26.14 at 5:42 pm }

Ahhh! Good to see the lad’s all having some fun for a change! 😀

But… where are the lassies? 😉 😆

BTW… Try googling “Lads and Lassies”. It seems the USA has adopted the term as it’s very own and has applied it to all kind’s of businesses and organizations! It’s scary! 😐 🙄

10 Bryan { 01.26.14 at 11:56 pm }

Welcome to the pit, Stu, and thanks for the Scottish translation.

Nice, Jim.

Kryten, I associate “Lads” with Britain in general, and “Lassies” with collies, not colleens, so it isn’t targeting me.