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Yukon Quest 2014 – Day 13 — Why Now?
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Yukon Quest 2014 – Day 13

Yukon Quest map even years

Sled DogCurt Perano is about 20 miles out from finishing his race, which has been fairly solitary. Hank DeBruin and the Siberians are showing that they like the hills are are 20 miles from Braeburn and an 8-hour rest. The final troika have stopped for a rest about 20 miles behind Hank.

The temperature on the trail is warmer today which will help move things along.

Standings at 10:30PM CST (8:30PM PST):

1 Allen Moore (8)
2 Hugh Neff (14)
3 Matt Hall (3)R
4 Ken Anderson (6)
5 John Schandelmeier (17)
6 Torsten Kohnert (13)R
7 Curt Perano (16)R
Beyond Braeburn
8 Hank DeBruin (18)
At Braeburn
9 Mandy Nauman (11)R
10 Jerry Joinson (4)
11 Brian Wilmshurst (9)

These are the official standings. That means they are official, not that they are correct. Things jump around a lot as people decide to update the standings. This problem is especially bad in the back of the pack, as no one bothers to update those standings when the lead is changing.

The Mushers in bold are former winners of the Yukon Quest, the numbers in parentheses are their Bib numbers, and the small “R” indicates a rookie.

Note: This post will be updated during the day, and the map changed on all posts to reflect the current situation.

All posts on the Yukon Quest can be seen by selecting “Yukon Quest” from the Category box on the right sidebar.