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Climate Change — Why Now?
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Climate Change

So they finally decided to talk about climate change on the Sunday talk shows, but not to actually treat it as the serious threat to our continued existence that it poses. They have to frame everything as a ‘difference of opinion’ and present both ‘sides’.

There is nothing in the actual facts of the situation that point towards anything except the existence of global climate change. January, 2014 was one of the warmest Januarys on record, despite cold weather in the continental United States. The fact that the Great Lakes are nearly frozen over doesn’t come near to making up for the loss of Arctic ice. As Charlies Pierce said about those in denial: “While England drowns and Australia burns and California dies of thirst.”

If you’re going to claim that this is a normal cycle, you might want to check the record that shows we should be getting colder, not warmer, according to the normal cycles going back thousands of years.

They just moved the start and finish lines of the Yukon Quest because of warm weather, and the Iditarod committee waited until today to decide they wouldn’t move the start of that race to Fairbanks, because of the lack of snow and ice on the trail. A number of the shorter races were cancelled this year because of the warm weather.

We are killing our world, and people refuse to see what is happening.


1 Badtux { 02.18.14 at 12:32 am }

There are a fair number of people who want the world to die, because it means Jeebus is coming to swoop them all up to heaven. . I got news for them. All those crosses they got, like, everywhere? You think Jesus wants to ever see a fscking cross again? For real? Ain’t happenin’. Just sayin’. 😈

2 Bryan { 02.18.14 at 1:08 am }

That cross is a real problem among people who aren’t Christian, followed closely by the Eucharist, which a lot of non-Christians think is really strange.

3 paintedjaguar { 02.18.14 at 2:08 pm }

I wish I had some understanding of that mindset, the kind that buys into a whole pre-packaged worldview without reservation. See, my sister is one of those Fox-watching, right-wing Bible thumpers. I don’t even need to talk to her to predict her opinion on any given subject with near 100% accuracy.

Passion plays were a big thing in my Southern Baptist upbringing. It has sometimes struck me as odd that Christians never seem to think there might be something just a little icky about the all the celebration around blood, torture and death. Also, there’s the whole thing about the unique sacrifice… truth is, you can look around on any given day and find examples of worse and more prolonged suffering than the Jesus story. And the victims of that don’t get to be a god as a reward.

4 Bryan { 02.18.14 at 3:51 pm }

It isn’t hard to see how some sects in Christianity have turned it into a death cult that celebrates suffering, and has no feeling for the here and now. If you believe that you are just waiting for this life to be over so you can ‘enjoy your real eternal life’, you have no motivation to make things better.

I don’t concern myself with the adults, I’m more worried about the world that children will inherit. We are destroying it.

5 Kryten42 { 02.19.14 at 2:42 am }

My time with the Catholic Church & schools until my late teen began the removal of any faith in any deity, and destroyed any belief in any Religion as being anything other than a self-interest scam run by the most manipulative con-artists on the planet. My time in Mil/Int and the Corporate world completed the process, and proved to me that evil is a human invention used to justify any and all personal desires.

I wouldn’t mind seeing the Human race wiped out. And Religion is one of the primary reasons I think it should be! There are some truly good people in the World, and I’ve met many. But I don’t see the scales tipping in their favor in the foreseeable future. At least, not until they all decide to make it happen. *shrug* Funny, but in a way, it seems to me even the *decent*, *sane* people are just *waiting for things to change* just like the crazies (albeit, in different ways). So, I don’t really see much difference in the end. Seems to me that both sides are just full of misguided *hope* and some kind of *faith* in something other than themselves.

Me… I have faith in only two things. One day, I will die. One day, it will ALL come to an end. Everything else, is up to us. I did my bit.


6 Bryan { 02.19.14 at 11:37 am }

It’s a one-way ticket, so you might as well make it as enjoyable as possible because there is no way of knowing what the destination will be like.

People need to make the ‘now’ better than when they showed up because you can’t freeze the moment. Things are going to change, whether we like it or not, so we need to work to make it a change for the better, because doing nothing makes things worse.

That said, I’m not sure what you do with people who are terrified by a small group of people meeting in caves on the other side of the planet, but think that mindless corporations pouring poisons into the water and air are our friends. People are definitely strange, and survival of the fittest doesn’t seem to be working in humans.