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2014 February 25 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Expert Opinion

Apparently Dick ‘Dick’ Cheney arose from his undisclosed location [crypt] to opine on the announced cuts at the Department of Defense at Faux News.

Most people don’t know, or have forgotten that ‘Dick’ was the Secretary of Defense under George H.W. Bush during the first Gulf War, and he cut the Department of Defense budget after the war ended.

If they had followed the Cheney model, they wouldn’t have announced the cuts, they would have waited until the last troops had left Afghanistan and then sent them their ‘Reduction-in-Force’ notices, telling the troops that they no longer had a military career, so they had better start looking for work. That’s how Cheney did it, and he made larger cuts in the DoD budget than are being forced on Chuck Hagel by the Sequester process of the House Republicans.

At the end of a war, troops are demobilized and the force shrinks, just as it always has during the country’s history. Most of the time people are told in advance so they can plan for the change. Cheney thought that was too soft an approach.

Cheney says Zero is more concerned with Food Stamps than national security. Actually a lot of the lower ranks in the military receive Food Stamps because their salaries are so low, and the Food Stamp program has been cut more than the DoD budget, so Cheney is wrong about that too.

February 25, 2014   19 Comments