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Iditarod 2014 – Day 13 — Why Now?
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Iditarod 2014 – Day 13

Iditarod 2014 MapThe first 30 teams get some of their money back, so there is still a cash incentive in operation, as well as the fame/infamy of the Red Lantern.

Rule 36 that allows ‘uncompetitive’ teams to be withdrawn had better be ignored this year. The teams still on the trail have survived the Steps, the Gorge, and the Burn. They are facing miles of glare ice on Golovin Bay, so if they want to finish, they had better be permitted to do it. There should be a combat star added to the belt buckle given to finishers this year.

Finished at Nome
20 Michelle Phillips (15)
21 Robert Sørlie (22)
22 Ralph Johannessen (54)R
23 Curt Perano (2)
24 Cim Smyth (28)
25 Paige Drobny (3)
26 Rick Casillo (30)
27 Allen Moore (19)
28 Paul Gebhardt (35)
29 Mats Pettersson (44)R
30 Kristy Berington (56)
31 Dan Kaduce (5)
32 Katherine Keith (63)R
33 Justin Savidis (34)
34 Jason Mackey (39)
35 Danny Seavey (62)
36 Karin Hendrickson (33)
37 Travis Beals (48)
38 Christian Turner (21)R

The Mushers in bold are former winners of the Iditarod, while italics indicates Yukon Quest winners. The numbers in parentheses are their Bib numbers. The small “R” indicates a total rookie, while the small “Q” indicates an Iditarod rookie who has completed a Yukon Quest.

These are the official standings. That means they are official, not that they are correct. Things jump around a lot as people decide to update the standings. This problem is especially bad in the back of the pack, as no one bothers to update those standings when the lead is changing.

This post will be updated during the day, and the map changed on all posts to reflect the current situation.
All posts on the Iditarod can be seen by selecting “Iditarod” from the Category box on the right sidebar.