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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day — Why Now?
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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day

Éireann go Brách!

Irish Flag


Well everyone agrees that he died on March 17th, but the year is subject to debate. This is his feast day on the Catholic calendar. Enjoy as you are wont.

Wikipedia has more on Saint Patrick’s Day, if you need more.


1 Kryten42 { 03.17.14 at 11:46 am }

This is one of the few reasons I miss Melbourne! 😀

St. Pat’s was celebrated bigtime at an Irish pub I used to visit called “The Irish Times” (named after the Irish newspaper of the same name, as the owner was a former editor there). The owner would import an ungodly amount and variety of Irish beer’s and spirits. And have a couple Irish bands and balladeers. My office for the Security company I had was just up the street from it, which was handy as I’d usually stagger back and crash on the comfy couch we had! LOL The owner was a very personable and smart fellow. One thing he did before he’d let anyone out that had been imbibing heavily, he’d make them drink a large glass of water. It really did help with the hangover next day mainly due to dehydration! LOL

Another pub that was a fave, was an English pub called the “Elephant & Wheelbarrow”. It was also very authentic and run by an English family whose ancestors had owned a couple pubs in England. Excellent food and fun. 🙂

Ahh well… Since I can no longer consume alcohol, there’s no point in going back there. 😉

Not much else I miss about the *Big City* really! *shrug*

2 Bryan { 03.17.14 at 11:21 pm }

For a long time my St. Patrick Day routine was handing people a tube to blow into, and usually telling them that their driving privileges were about to be non-existent for at least a while. I also got to hand out ‘air sickness bags’ and glasses of distilled water to wash out their mouths, if the corned beef and cabbage wouldn’t stay put. Ah, yes, wonderful memories 😉

All of these ‘national holidays’ are just an excuse to get roaring drunk, so if you can’t there isn’t much point.