No Need For Speed
If you choose not to lease a modem or router from my new ISP, you have to select them from ‘approved’ lists.
I went with the Motorola SB6121 because it is ‘approved’ for both of the bottom two levels of service, the lowest level that I’m getting, or the next level up. I replaced my tried and true Belkin N300 with a Belkin N750, because I’m actually using my laptop more often now, and it will handle the improved bandwidth that will be available.
Of course, the new ISP is kvetching that I should go ‘top of the line’ available for purchase from them, but the prices are considerably cheaper at Newegg for some reason. My big box is a solid vanilla computer, so why get carried away with the peripherals. If I had something that would be good for on-line gaming, I might do it, so it is better not to tempt myself.
There is a lot of really good super high speed computing power out there. If you want it, talk to Kryten, because he designs them. I do cat pictures, not live streaming. Since I don’t watch TV, I have no idea why the ISP thinks I would be interested in video streaming.
The litter boxes are calling.
March 19, 2014 10 Comments