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One Thing After Another — Why Now?
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One Thing After Another

I apparently wasn’t busy enough for the gods today, so they decided to blow the packing out of a water shut-off valve to create a fountain behind one of the apartments that my Mother manages.

I was actually able to find a plumber, and he did a very quick job of fixing that, but when the water was turned back on at the main, the valve in the next apartment blew out.

My current ‘dream vacation’ is is an hour of boring nothingness. It is possible … I’ve experienced them before.


1 ellroon { 03.21.14 at 1:09 pm }

So you forgot to sacrifice a virgin again, didn’t you?

2 Bryan { 03.21.14 at 10:15 pm }

A virgin? I live in Northwest Fundistan, where virgins, even virgin goats, are as plentiful as unicorns or dragons. The gods are miserable sods, but they don’t require the impossible 😉

3 Dizzy { 03.22.14 at 12:02 am }

Oh, surely virgins can still be had… pssst… olive oil. Just don’t let Popeye get wind of it. If that happens you’ve been on your vacation already.

4 Kryten42 { 03.22.14 at 1:45 am }

On the plus side, there’s that other boot m8! So you should be fine for awhile. 😉 😀 You know trouble always comes in threes… Sorry, but it’s the way the universe works (as far as I’ve determined in my life anyway!)

PS. The only virgin relatively easy to find is a child under 10. I think it’s why most of the ancient civilizations that sacrificed children to the god’s were met with some form of terminal civilization ending disaster. I doubt any god would see a bunch of truly annoying children as a gift. 😉 Just sayin! 😈

So, there’s another ancient mystery cleared up! 😆

5 Bryan { 03.22.14 at 11:58 pm }

Dizzy, no one really knows where those olives have been, or what they have been up to. The oil is bought and sold, which doesn’t sound very virginal to me [Yes, Steve, I know.] ‘Extra virgin’ – what’s that – not even kissing?

Three was the busted grounding clamp on my electrical service entrance, which I will take care of tomorrow with a bronze clamp, not the cheap zinc-coated clamp that broke. I discovered that running the ground for the coax connector I installed.

They probably sacrificed the kids who were whiners in the markets. Yeah, I can see a god thinking that wiping out people who did that was a reasonable and necessary action. [We are bad people, Kryten, but it’s true 😉 ]