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2014 March 22 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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More Stuff

I’ve added a wireless doorbell suitable for a castle or cathedral to tell me I’m needed; a monitor system to hear what is going on and communicate with the patient using DECT 6.0 for privacy; a Bluetooth cell phone headset so I can use the phone without tying up my hands or getting a ticket if I’m driving.

I discovered that there are really nice products for children these days that are adaptable for a sick room. There are spill-proof containers with straws that reduce the number of times the bed has to be changed, including a Thermos model that will keep things cold all day. I’ve had visitors ask for the name of that Thermos model, as they work outside, and would love a cold drink that stayed that way from breakfast to dinner without ice.

I’m also learning the job of a home health care worker, and can tell you they are worth a hell of a lot more than they are usually paid. I’m paying more than their average hourly wage, because I know how hard they are working and I don’t want them to be hired away.

March 22, 2014   5 Comments