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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

A Gentleman at Leisure

Friday Cat Blogging

Keep the noise down.

[Editor: Ninja out and about on his rope, enjoying some of the rare sunshine. Obviously not taken today.]

Friday Ark


1 hipparchia { 03.30.14 at 8:51 pm }

yes, Friday’s weather was not conducive to being out and about. it did mean that my house appeared to be emptied of cats though, as they all went into hiding.

2 Bryan { 03.30.14 at 11:20 pm }

We had 50mph sustained with a 69mph gust on the bayou, with 80mph gusts on the barrier island. I figure my recycling bin is probably in Tallahassee.

My guys were under the futon.

3 hipparchia { 03.31.14 at 6:35 pm }

My guys were under the futon.

smart cats.

mine like to shrink themselves into spaces that are smaller than they are. it used to be I’d go around the house checking for broken windows and gaping holes in the roof after a storm like this one, but after finding one of the cats in the a/c duct one time, I now also check the vent covers, plumbing access panels, and attic and other trap doors. I’m still not sure where they all go, but I *think* I’ve found all the possible escape hatches.

4 hipparchia { 03.31.14 at 6:41 pm }

I figure my recycling bin is probably in Tallahassee.

we were supposed to miss some of the worst of it here, with everyone to the east and west of us getting hit more, and I don’t know what the actual numbers were. I’d rate it “scary but nobody got blown off the 3 mile bridge.”

5 Bryan { 03.31.14 at 11:48 pm }

It was definitely worse than any of the tropical weather we’ve had recently. I couldn’t believe that there were no severe thunderstorm warnings posted, just flooding and beach advisories.

If the head fits, the body fits because of the design of a cat’s shoulders. I’ve watched ferals do it and it is really weird. The older ones know to withdraw if the passage is too long.