Another Dull News Day
I guess they are going to charge the captain of the South Korean ferry with something as it becomes apparent that he and the crew made good their escapes while the passengers were trapped, and only one lifeboat was launched – with the crew in it.
There is apparently a question about the possibility of too many passengers and too much cargo on the vessel, which may have contributed to the capsizing.
Zero is apparently attempting to focus on Asia again, so there will probably be another disaster somewhere. That seems to be the pattern – every time he tries to work a deal in Asia something terrible happens.
At least the Keystone XL pipeline decision has been stalled again, probably until after the elections in November. Congress doesn’t want to deal with the fall-out, no matter which way the decision goes.
I’m still buried with my current primary job, but there looks like an easing in the near future. It is a one day at a time operation.
April 21, 2014 4 Comments