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Who Benefits? — Why Now?
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Who Benefits?

The BBC notes that Pressure mounts on FCC over net-neutrality changes. The article is about a group of venture capitalists coming out against the proposed changes to allow ISPs to charge content providers for privileged access to their users for a price.

The big telecoms want to increase their profits, but don’t want to spend any money to do it by improving their individual networks. This isn’t about getting more money for a better service, but reducing their overall bandwidth by reserving a segment of their current bandwidth for people with the money to lease it from them.

The US already has some of the worst broadband in the developed world based on speed and costs, and this will further lower our standing. The majority of users oppose it, the largest ‘Net companies oppose it; the user groups oppose it; and now the venture capitalists have stated their opposition. The only group that supports the changes are the ISPs.

If there were any real competition in the broadband market, the large ISPs would all be shedding customers even faster. The stagnant economy is forcing people to cancel their cable and Internet connections, and any additional cost increases will accelerate the process.


1 Kryten42 { 05.11.14 at 4:06 am }

You’ll like this one then! LOL (I did!) 😀

Webhost Protests FCC’s Net Neutrality Proposal By Limiting FCC Access To 28.8Kbps

I’s not a long article, but it is damned funny! “Hoist by their own petard”! 😆

Speaking of the BBC… Would you believe that ‘political correctness’ is even more insane in the UK than the USA?

The BBC fired (asked for resignation) of a 32 year veteran for a single minor mistake, that had a single (apparently) complainant! The error was playing an 82 yo recording of “The Sun Has Got His Hat On”, which contained the “N” word, and someone heard it and complained!

Read about it on his blog, and see just how insane it is, truly!


There is also a followup post “AND FINALLY, FINALLY….”.

I suppose the BBC will now have a squad combing through all their recordings and TV program’s that contains politically incorrect words and destroy them! This of course would mean most of their recorded material! What a bunch of morons!

The world really is batsh*t insane.

2 Bryan { 05.11.14 at 9:18 am }

Kryten, history and historic accuracy are dangerous and you can’t let people know what thorough-going sods people were, especially the people ‘who won World War Two’. People have a fit when they watch the old movie channels and see films released before the Hayes Code took effect in the US. Early films were fairly ‘uninhibited’ when it came to sex and and language. It was a big deal when Rhett Butler said ‘damn’ in Gone With The Wind and the studio was fined.

The BBC is currently in trouble for having employed a number of perverts over the years and hypersensitive to any complaints.

3 Kryten42 { 05.11.14 at 9:46 am }

Ohhh… The BBC is getting a sh*tload of complaints alright! From the guy’s regular listeners wanting to know WTF?! The moron that complained, wasn’t even a previous listener of the program. When any company fires someone who is well liked and responsible for thousands of customers, for the sake of one who isn’t a customer, that company deserves the sh*tstorm it’s gonna get, not to mention loss of profits, no matter what their product is! It’s the most insane decision I’ve heard since I worked at HP!

4 Bryan { 05.11.14 at 11:16 pm }

It sounds like one of the right-wing ‘morality police’ operations we have in the US who monitor television to file complaints against shows that they believe are ‘corrupting the morals of children’ by talking about sex. They are better organized in the US and would have had a couple of thousand identical complaints files from all across the country by the ‘true believers’.

It’s amazing how many people seem totally unaware of the on-off switch or the ability to change channels.