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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

What’s Important

Friday Cat Blogging

When’s dinner?

[Editor: Mini-Sox soaks up some heat from the cat pad while waiting.]

Friday Ark


1 shirt { 05.16.14 at 11:34 pm }

Hmmm… I thought that was the “where’s diner” look. The presumption being that you would not dare to overlook your master.

2 Bryan { 05.16.14 at 11:42 pm }

If I came out of my front door, she would have been complaining, but I was returning to the house, and didn’t have the food dish in my hands, so she decided to stay warm instead.

3 hipparchia { 05.19.14 at 9:34 pm }

I love tuxedo cats.

ok, so the cold snap is over and I’ve turned on the a/c. argh. this part of the world is getting too expensive to live in.

4 Bryan { 05.19.14 at 10:54 pm }

My new Energy Star a/c really made a difference in my bill. It is smaller than the one it replaced, but it still cools the place.

5 hipparchia { 05.20.14 at 9:45 pm }

the new one I got is wonderful. it cut my summer electric bill in half, or better. I’m just ticked that the cold seasons and the hot seasons seem to have shorter cool seasons between them now.

6 Bryan { 05.20.14 at 11:07 pm }

Oh, Roger that! It was great for airing the place out after being closed up for months, and we don’t seem to get that anymore.